Grabungsfirma ADA - Archäologie Dr. Arnolds & Kollegen GbR
Archäologische Baubegleitung - Ausgrabung - Projektkoordination

Marcin Gamrat M.A.

Marcin Gamrat M.A., seit 2021 bei ADA Archäologie als archäologischer Facharbeiter


2008-2013: Middle Eastern Studies an der Uniwersytet Jagielloński in Krakau, Abschluss Magister Artium, Thema der Masterarbeit "Tradition and modernity in contemporary Iran. The influence of the New Wave cinema on the process of modernization of the society"

2011-2016:  Studium der Archäologie an der Uniwersytet Jagielloński in Krakau, Abschluss Magister Artium, Thema der Abschlussarbeit "Erani C Horizon in the Southern Levant and Its Meaning for Relations with Egypt in Early Bronze Age I"

seit 2016: Promotionsstudium an der Uniwersytet Jagielloński in Krakau, Thema der laufenden Dissertation:  "Pottery of Southern Levant in the Early Bronze Age I Period and Its Relation to Cultural Development" 

Mitarbeit an Projekten

2014: Role and significance of Egyptian influence on the socio-political development of Southern Levant in Early Bronze I period
2015: Socio-political changes in Eastern Delta between IV-III millennium BCE
2017: Socio-political development of northern Negev in Early Bronze I period on the example of Tel Erani site – continuation of research
2018: The Beginnings of urbanization and forming of elites in Eastern Delta based on Tel el Farkha site


Gamrat M., 2019, "The Opening of the Mouth Ritual in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. A Brief Comparison", Land of Fertility III, ed. Miszk Ł., Wacławik M. 75-87, 2019.
Gamrat M.,2019, "Egyptian kitchenware in Southern Levant during Early Bronze IB2 Period", Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 23, 29- 50 Cracow, 2019.
Milevski I., Yegorov D., Czarnowicz M., Karmowski J., Gamrat M., Cohen-Sasson E., Yekutieli Y., 2021, "New Excavations at Tel Erani: The Early Bronze Age I Fortification Walls and Early Urbanisation in the Southern Levant", Antiquity, vol 96, 194-200
